Recovery Advocacy in the Age of COVID-19  – How to Combine Social Media With Traditional Advocacy

June 17, 2021
10:15 AM PST - 11:00 AM
Presented by:Jeff Breedlove

Description of Workshop 

The presenters will use lecture, participant query, discussion and activities, including literal social media advocacy for the conference, to examine how the recovery community best embraces a combination of social media and traditional advocacy to advance a recovery positive agenda in the age of COVID-19. Participants will receive specific information related to policy, learn how to advocate using a combination of recovery friendly language and advocacy language, learn how to interact with elected officials, their staff, business leaders, and the media, we will also discuss how to frame our issue and why it is important people support our issue. 

Learning Objectives: 

  • The attendees will be able to utilize social media to advocate for recovery 
  • The attendees will be able to speak with leaders about recovery advocacy 
  • The attendees will learn about recovery legislative policy 
  • The attendees will be able to frame our issue with recovery friendly language 


  • Session Evaluation

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    Knowledgable about the subject matter
    Receptive to comments and questions
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  • Not ApplicableNot useful at allSomewhat usefulUsefulVery useful
  • Thank you for providing your feedback. We will issue CEUs on the final day of the conference through an overall Conference Evaluation. This evaluation serves as confirmation of your attendance to this single session.