Recovery Messaging: Developing a message to promote recovery using person-first, solution focused language

June 17, 2021
3:30 PM PDT - 4:15 PM
Presented by:Brian Kite

Recovery Messaging Training is designed to inform individuals about the power of the words we use. By focusing on people first, we can create an environment with our words and actions, that lifts up, rather than breaks down.  

This interactive training will help to understand how recovery focused language can work towards stigma reduction and is vital towards advocacy in the recovery movement. Participants will then work to create their unique recovery message to help reduce stigma, dispel myths, and lift up the voice of recovery. 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand how recovery focused language is the most effective tool in reducing stigma related to substance use and mental health 
  • Learn alternative words and phrases to empower and give hope 
  • Develop a personal message of recovery


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