Unicorns, Rainbows, and Glitter Ponies: Clinical considerations to working with the LGBTQIA2+ Community 

June 18, 2021
2:30 PM PDT - 3:15 PM
Presented by:Kristina Padilla

Kristina will review traditional treatment approaches with LGBTQIA2+ populations, how providers need to be aware of harmful treatment practices and the impact of homophobia and racism on LGBTQIA2+ clients. Also, the coming out process and how it is a process, and not to “out” anyone that is not ready to be out. She will discuss why it is so important for providers to work from a trauma-informed approach; to view the client as a whole being with the understanding their behaviors might be a means to survival from the harms, violence, abuse, stigma and prejudice clients have experienced. Lastly, how it is helpful for providers to gain insight on how stigma can impact LGBTQIA2+ individuals.  


Learning Objectives: 

  1. Describe clinical work with LGBTQIA2+ Individuals including treatment from a trauma-informed, CBT, and Art therapy approach 
  1. Describe insight on how stigma can impact these individuals 
  1. Discuss and explain LGBTQIA2+ Terminology (Language and Definitions) 


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