“We Do More than Listen” – Tools for Effective Telephone Recovery Coaching

June 17, 2021
2:30 PM PDT - 3:15 PM
Presented by:Beverly Ragland

The presenters will use lecture, participant query, discussion and activities to expound on the various skills Recovery Coaches on the CARES Warm Line use to support peers, Family members and allies they connect with. We will examine the value of embracing multiple pathways to enhance the many facets of wellness, we will also define and discuss the importance of incorporating Intentional Peer Support, Appreciative Inquiry and Motivational Interviewing in interactions with callers to promote long lasting quality recovery, to reduce stigma and promote positive community integration. 

Learning Objectives: 

  • The attendees will be able to define wellness and recognize the multiple pathways peers can embrace to achieve wellness and long-lasting quality recovery 
  • The attendees will be able to name the 3 principles and 4 tasks related to Intentional Peer Support (IPS) and describe the benefits if IPS 
  • The attendees will be able to define Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and describe the value when making peer connections 
  • The attendees will be able to discuss the benefit of Motivational Interviewing (MI) when providing peer support 


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  • Thank you for providing your feedback. We will issue CEUs on the final day of the conference through an overall Conference Evaluation. This evaluation serves as confirmation of your attendance to this single session.